Jenis Arkib

Arkib Bulanan

Keratan Akhbar


The parents of a newborn have named their child after the policewoman who went out of the way to help the mother safely deliver her child in a taxi two weeks ago.

The baby boy was named Rizky Sardi Mathi-varna, after the "midwife cop" Lans Koperal Komathi Narayanan.

The parents said they felt it was a fitting honour for the 27-year-old policewoman for the kindness she showed on Oct 7 when she assisted the Indonesian woman to deliver the child.

Yesterday, top brass and other personnel at the Cheras district police headquarters held a special ceremony for Komathi.

Also present was the 13-year-old driver of the taxi, Wong Kok Loong, who ferried the Turn to pages mother without hesitation in her time of need.

Both Komathy and Wong received certificates of appreciation and plaques from Cheras police chief, ACP Mohamed Mokhsein Mohamed Zon.

Source: The Sun

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